Spiritual Awakening
Kundalini Activation Process
Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) is a transmission of life force energy. It was founded by Venant Wong when he discovered that he could activate a person’s Kundalini through touch by working with energy systems and meridian points. Certified facilitators like Venant Wong are able to transmit a natural awareness and Kundalini energy that enters through the crown and flows down the body toward the root chakra. Combining both this natural awareness and Kundalini energy is the Kundalini Activation Process.
So, what is Kundalini? Kundalini is a term for life force believed to be located at the base of the spine, represented by a coiled-up serpent or snake. The more common practice of Kundalini yoga is meant to arouse or activate the sleeping Kundalini Shakti from its coiled base through the six chakras and pierce the seventh at the crown, which is typically facilitated by movement, breath (pranayama), meditation or chanting. However, often times this way of activation can cause unexpected reactions as blockages at the higher chakras are common. So, as the energy rises, it can experience some resistance.
Alternatively, the transmission of KAP is a very gentle way to awaken your Kundalini energy; to channel your life force, inner fire and divine feminine power. It’s different from the classic Kundalini practice in that the energy is transmitted through the crown, alleviating any stagnant energies at the higher chakras before reaching the root chakra where the energies of the transmission and one’s own Kundalini energy begin to flow both ways. This creates a more powerful but gradual awakening than most have ever experienced with a process that won’t shock the system and will only do exactly what is needed in the moment.
The process also happens without any special instruction. One must only lie down, close the eyes and be open to receive. There’s no need to breathe a certain way, meditate or even move. It’s not mind reading nor hypnosis, simply a way to harness your power and energy. And though practitioners might experience deep healing or have powerful experiences on a spiritual level during the session, the focus of KAP is to embody the spirit and shifts it brings to your consciousness after the session.
During a KAP session, a wide range of experiences can be expected including visions, hot or cold sensations, laughing or unusual noises and spontaneous movements. The instructor may also touch certain chakra points or meridians on the body, step on your feet or make loud sounds during the transmission. With continued practice, a rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system can also occur.
Arrive & Settle In
Introduction to KAP
Three Minute Demonstration
KAP Transmission
Transmission of Silence
Sharing Circle
Divine Energy Map
After Effects
Final Thoughts
Arrive & Settle In
With a gorgeous evening drive up LA’s Laurel Canyon Boulevard, I parked my car, grabbed my things and briskly walked to the yoga studio around the corner. Only slightly terrified and completely nervous about what was about to happen, I was brought to this class by a friend who recommended the process. Honestly, it was the powerful deep house music playing in the background of the demonstration video she sent me that piqued my interest most, along with the joy and energy exuded by the teacher, Kimberlie.
My KAP class was scheduled for a Friday evening from 7-9 p.m. in Sherman Oaks at a yoga studio called Liberate Yourself. It was to take place in the back courtyard of the studio with about 12 others. As instructed, I brought a yoga mat, thin blanket and bottle of water. The studio also had mats available for use, along with blankets and pillows. After arriving, the dozen guests were arranged into two rows and awaited instruction.
Introduction to KAP
Our KAP instructor, Kimberlie Eddy, introduced herself as a healer in many realms. A certified healer in Usui Reiki, HolyFire 2 and Karuna Reiki Master energy healing modalities, Kimberlie works with Source through Reiki TUUMO, channeling Shing Chi energies and the Kundalini. As an empath, she channels unique guidance for each client, activating healing on a transformative level and more than anything, she was warm, kind and welcoming.
Kimberlie took a quick survey to see who’d been to a KAP class before, confirming that we were split right down the middle, half had practiced and the other half were KAP virgins. Then, she proceeded to outline the evening, describing each step in detail including her introduction, a three minute demonstration, quick bathroom break, the 60 minute KAP Transmission followed by a few moments of silence and lastly, those who would like to share could describe their experience to the group.
She moved on to explain what might and might not happen during the transmission, how we might feel and what we might see. Kimberlie stressed that she would not be hypnotizing us or reading our minds. She would not be giving us her energy. Instead, she’d be activating her Kundalini alongside ours, which then does a beautiful dance together, like birds playfully chasing each other in the sky.
The goal was to receive and release, to be open and have no expectations and no judgements. There was no right way to do this and everyone would experience something different. We were only tasked with closing our eyes and opening our hearts and minds. If we needed to jump out of the experience, simply open the eyes.
Three Minute Demonstration
One of the women from the group who was familiar with KAP volunteered for a demonstration. The class would see what we might expect from our own transmission. She laid down in the middle of the room on her back, closed her eyes and waited patiently. Kimberlie turned on the music, volume up, way up, and began circling her slowly. The teacher’s hands and arms making curious shapes, as if she were waking someone from the dead with a magic spell. She walked around all sides of the woman and almost immediately, the student began to twist her wrists and arch her back.
As the music became more intense, so did her movements. There were even moments where her face looked as if it were in pain, being squeezed from all directions. Then, her back lifted completely off the ground and her writhing body sat up. With a little help from Kimberlie’s toes, she guided her upward even further. It looked as if the instructor was conducting an orchestra, the woman’s movements responding in kind to her hand gestures. Slowly and gently, the session ended as the music dissipated and things went back to normal, fading away as if nothing had ever happened.
Throughout the demonstration the energy in the room was palpable, so much so that a few of the regulars couldn’t watch the demo. It was absolutely incredible and like nothing I’d ever seen before, like some sort of a peaceful exorcism of unwanted energy and trauma.
After the demonstration we took a five minute break for the restroom and to prepare for our transmission, grabbing pillows, blankets and water, as needed.
KAP Transmission
To begin the transmission, we were to lay down comfortably with our heads facing inward toward the center of the room and feet at the edges. Many of us placed a thin blanket over our yoga mats for extra comfort and a few grabbed pillows for added support, myself included.
Kimberlie, once again began the music, only this time it started off a bit slower. It was still loud and melodic but less intense than the demonstration. I began by laying down on my back with one hand on my tummy and the other on my chest. My knees were bent, feet flat on the floor. One by one, the songs began to pass without much of a response. At first I was distracted, but in my mind, I kept repeating the mantra, “I am open,” and imagining myself unfolding, opening at my heart. Slowly, I began to feel as if I were a wave or on a wave moving back and forth gently, up and down. It felt safe, warm and peaceful.
As more time passed, my body loosened and my meditative thoughts deepened. My arms gently moved off my chest to my sides, opening myself up, literally. At about 15 to 20 minutes in, the music began to fill every corner of my body. Out of nowhere, my finger twitched, then my toe. At first, it felt like a nervous twitch but then I had the urge to stretch my fingers, as if I had just discovered them for the first time. Circling and cracking my wrists came next. Moving them in all directions, spreading and clenching. It felt needed, wanted even, but slightly out of my control, like when you drive home without remembering how you got there.
It was around this time, the instructor came to me and touched my third eye, momentarily pulling me out of my meditation. Immediately, I jumped right back in, not wanting to lose this up close and personal opportunity. “Receive, release, receive, release,” I said over and over in my mind. “In, out, in, out, in out.” While I imagined giving the class all my energy and then taking back theirs, like one continuous circle.
Then, it was my ankles. I began to stretch and point my toes, circling them slowly and thoughtfully, joining my wrists. It was happening, much slower than the woman I had seen in the demonstration but it didn’t matter. Out of nowhere, my eyes started to tear up. I was overwhelmed with joy and utterly shocked that I was able to feel anything at all. It also helped to know that we were in a judgement free zone, that the teacher was the only one watching us and we were all there for the same purpose, healing.
As if I’d finally warmed up my cold engine, things really started to move at this point. Kimberlie returned, stepped on both of my feet with her toes and began her work. I felt my pelvis push against the floor, raising my shoulders, then arching my back, as if I were doing cat cow lying down. Deeper and deeper, with even more exaggerated movements, my body went between making a wave length-wise and small dance-like movements to the beat of the music.
Occasionally, I’d doubt myself and think I was moving too much or in the middle of an extreme movement I’d catch myself wondering why I was doing it in that way. Judging myself. Then, just like a wave, those feelings would slowly disappear until the next powerful movement arose. Suddenly, I felt an incredible warmth at my low back near the base of my spine, radiating down into the earth.
By this point, my body was thrusting and moving in ways I didn’t know were possible. My ankles, wrists and arms were stretching, pointing, circling, creating shapes, tense and loose, over and over again. My neck would arch so deeply that the top of my head was nearly touching the ground. Kimberlie came over again, touching the chakra on my chest, creating another warm spot that radiated outward.
My meditation moved to new thoughts. Some time ago, I met with a body healer and just as I entered the room he was taken aback. He told me that I was very powerful in another life, that I had been a queen. So, then, in that moment on my mat I imagined myself a queen, wearing a crown, sitting on my thrown, watching over my people. I imagined something close to the scene in Coming to America when Prince Akeem met Princess Imani Izzi for the first time. Those images were incredibly powerful in my mind.
At one point, my body was in the shape of low boat but with my knees tucked into my chest. My arms would take turns at my side and then shoot up into the sky reaching as far as possible, even falling behind my head at times. The movements would come with a sudden sense of urgency and then dissipate softly, quietly, with confidence.
Kimberlie made her way around the class spritzing us with scented oils that smelled beautiful. And then at the peak of the loudest, deepest house song, my chest pounded upward each time the beat hit. It was so powerful and intense that it felt like I was no longer controlling my body. It felt animalistic and carnal. There were also moments throughout of something close to sexual desire. A feeling of being connected to my sexuality in a deep way, like it was who I am. Feeling those feelings also brought tears to my eyes though my natural reflex was to fight them away.
Ultimately, the intensity of the music waned, along with the effects of the transmission. Slowly the music calmed and my movements came to a halt. My body lay there, exhausted and sore but open from such a freeing experience.
The only thing I can compare this process to is one giant orgasm, extended in time, without the sexy parts mostly but the body movements were spot on. Everything tense, a toe curling kind of thing. And it made me flash back to another one of my all time favorite movies and the best way I know how to describe this entire experience, Beetlejuice during the Day-O scene.
Transmission of Silence
For a few moments, there was silence. It felt like I was coming to, like my body had been carried off but was now landing back on earth. Kimberlie began to speak softly about the session and what we might potentially experience over the next few hours, days and weeks. KAP sessions can cause detox symptoms so it’s important to be kind to yourself during this time.
Sharing Circle
Each of us sat up slowly and faced the center of the circle. Kimberlie asked us to explain how we felt, not necessarily label it good or bad, but just feelings. One by one, we began describing our experience, nearly every one different than the last. Some that had done KAP before said this time was different, that they were either more or less open than before, some had weird sensations in their elbows while others felt heat in certain areas. Others saw visions of intense color, felt a sense of freedom or the urge to cough or burp, all of which aren’t uncommon. The newbies were amazed that they felt anything at all and one women didn’t seem to experience much but felt good nonetheless. When it was my turn, I shared that I felt loose and in my body in a way that I had never felt before.
Pausing, a quick detour before I continue because if you’re like me, new to the world of Kundalini and curious about how this transmission process might work, I thought it best to dig a little deeper into all things chakra, meridian and divine energy.
Arising in the early traditions of Hinduism, the word chakra means “wheel” or “cycle” and refers to energy points situated along the spine. They are thought to be rotating disks of energy that ideally stay open and aligned, as they respond to bundles of nerves, major organs and areas of our energetic body that affect our physical and emotional wellbeing.
The chakra system is the universal map representing the different energies in the body. The system moves from the dense vibration of the root chakra at the base of the spine, to the light vibration of the crown chakra at the top of the head. Though some believe there are upward of 100 chakras, there are seven main chakras located along the spine, which need to be in harmony for our wellbeing.
The Root Chakra is located in the base of the spine, signified by the color red and is responsible for physical identity, stability and grounding. A blocked root chakra can create physical issues such as arthritis, bladder or colon issues or feelings of insecurity. When it’s open and in alignment, feelings of being grounded and secure, both physically and emotionally, are present.
The Sacral Chakra is located just below the belly button and above the pubic bone. It’s represented by the color orange and is responsible for sexuality, pleasure and creativity. Issues with this chakra can been seen in related organs, like urinary tract infections, lower back pain or impotency. Emotionally, this chakra is connected to our self-worth, particularly related to self-worth around sexuality, pleasure and creativity.
The Solar Plexus Chakra can be found in the upper abdomen or stomach, marked by the color yellow and is responsible for self-esteem and confidence. Blockages in the third chakra are seen in digestive issues such as ulcers, heartburn, eating disorders and indigestion. This chakra is related to our personal power and connected to our self-esteem and self-confidence.
The Heart Chakra can be found in the center of the chest just above the heart, represented by the color green and is responsible for love and compassion. A blocked heart chakra manifests through heart problems like asthma or weight issues. Those with blockages are often people pleasers, putting others before themselves. As the middle of the seven chakras, it bridges the gap between our upper and lower chakras and represents our capacity to love and connect with others. Issues here can have us feeling alone, insecure or isolated.
The Throat Chakra, represented by the color blue is located in the throat and responsible for communication. Because it’s connected to our ability to communicate verbally, voice and throat problems, along with the surrounding area of teeth, gums and mouth can point to a blockage. Blockages can also be seen by having trouble speaking your mind, speaking without thinking, gossiping and dominating conversations. When in alignment, speaking and listening with compassion and feeling confident when speaking comes naturally, as you are being true to yourself and your word.
The Third Eye Chakra is found between the eyes on the forehead and characterized by the color indigo. Overseeing our intuition and imagination, the third eye chakra shows up as headaches, hearing problems and issues with sight or concentration. Those who have trouble hearing reality or who aren’t in touch with their intuition may have a block. When open and in alignment, you should be able to follow your intuition and see the big picture.
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and depicted by either violet or white. Connected to awareness and intelligence, the crown chakra is linked to all other chakras and every organ in the system, therefore affecting all organs, along with the brain and nervous system. It’s believed to be the chakra of enlightenment and constitutes our connection to our life’s purpose and spirituality. A narrow mind, skepticism and stubbornness are all signs of a blocked crown chakra. On the other hand, when open it helps keep all other charkas open and bring joy and enlightenment.
According to yoga tradition, chakras “rule” or regulate meridians. If there is an imbalance in the chakra that regulates that meridian, that can cause the meridian to become out of balance and have negative effects on our health.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), though quite foreign to many in the Western world, has been around for over 3,500 years, as opposed to the Western medical system which was adopted during 19th century. One valuable concept of Chinese medicine is that of meridians or energetic pathways.
In traditional Chinese medicine, meridians are strings connecting acupuncture points, which are considered passageways through which energy, known as Qi, flows through the body. The meridian system is made up of 12 principal meridians, connecting to the organs and the main pathways that transport blood throughout the body.
Though tempting to think of meridians as similar to the circulatory system, that would be incorrect. Described by TCM, meridian pathways are responsible for the distribution of substances throughout the body but physically, they have not been defined. For that reason, it makes more sense to view the meridian system as an energetic distribution network. In short, a meridian is an energetic highway in the human body.
Divine Energy Map
A bit of a mystery to me but I’ll do my best to untangle, the Divine Energy Map helps describe how energy enters and travels through the body and involves both chakras and meridians.
Working with energy is a process of opening and allowing energy to flow freely within our body. It’s also one of connecting to other energies in the environment, such as people, places or objects. Most commonly, we breathe energy in and breathe energy out, receiving and releasing. The energy is received and transmitted through our chakras, running up and down our body. The upward current is ascending energy coming from the earth and the downward energy is descending energy from the soul into the body.
To successfully work with energy, breath, intention and awareness are vital. Breath moves the energy in and out of the body. It allows the welcoming and release of energy, bringing us to the present moment. Intention directs the energy and with focused intention we create our internal and external reality.
““Energy goes where the attention goes.””
Awareness helps us focus on becoming conscious of our inner body, of all the thoughts, emotions and sticky spots. As a whole, the energy body is a combination of different qualities of energy, which need to be owned, mastered and integrated into a single harmonious whole. The flow of energy can be traced in the image below.
First, Divine Energy, expressed in the form of consciousness that never loses its intensity, speed or existence, enters the crown chakra activating and helping support the pineal and pituitary glands, mixing at the heart with the Kundalini energy. The energies blend and flow from the heart through the upper extremities to the hands.
Second, the Divine Energy entering the crown chakra descends into the earth through the sole chakras, or root chakra, feeding the earth.
Third, Sacred Earth Energy enters the root chakra and moves upward entering the Kundalini center to mix with the Divine Energy.
Fourth, Kundalini energy flows up and out of the crown chakra to mix with the Divine Energy.
Fifth, the mixing of Kundalini and Divine Energy showers over the body to be absorbed by the body through breath, chakras and acupoints.
Last, the Sacred Blend of healing energy flows out of the palm and finger chakras to support and assist healing.
After Effects
During my KAP session, Kimberlie discussed a handful of side effects that could occur after the session. As mentioned, with KAP, it’s not necessarily what happens during the process but more importantly, it’s the shifts that take place afterward. And as with any shift, there may be growing pains that Kimberlie likened unto a detox of sorts. These shifts can affect nearly every aspect of one’s life and can result in huge lifestyle changes regarding health, wellness and life purpose. Most importantly, though, practitioners typically go through these awakenings while being fully grounded and connected to their bodies and this earth.
Either way, it’s best to be prepared and aware of what you can expect. The KAP symptoms have a tendency to move through smoothly and not get “stuck” in any way. Acceptance of the process is most important, as well as an awareness that these symptoms are positive and working to create positive outcomes when you are open to deep transformation. Changes happen gradually and only work if your system is ready and open to receive. Symptoms can be seen physically, energetically, spiritually and psychologically.
Physically, a KAP session may give you a lack of ability to tolerate stimulation of the senses, unprovoked sexual stimulation or spontaneous orgasms. You may also experience digestive issues, temporary changes in eye sight or hearing, insomnia, unexplainable weight fluctuations, headaches, pain or pressure in random places on the body or skin conditions like itching, rashes or pins and needles.
Energetically, you may not be able to tolerate certain people after a KAP session as your energy body may reject them. You may also feel a sense of heat at the bottom of the spine, changes in breathing or a sense of something moving inside your body such as water, fire or wind. Intense energy surges through the body and spine are also common.
Spiritually, you may have out of body experiences, feel constant insights or “downloads” or experience strengthened intuition or increased clarity. You may also experience deep realizations or insights, shifts in perception of reality, increased capacity to feel more deeply, clearer sense of purpose, deeper states of consciousness, deeper connection to yourself or a more open heart. After a KAP session you might also develop temporary physic experiences or lasting extrasensory perception, have spontaneous past life regressions or have the ability to absorb large amounts of spiritual material.
Psychologically, a KAP session may create feelings of anxiety, fear or terror, a constant shift in mood, overwhelming feelings of bliss or childlike joy. You may also feel raw or collective pain or empathy. Others might have feelings of depression, grief or emptiness or a sensitivity to content with violence, sarcasm or graphic material. Dreams of snakes can also occur.
Allowing yourself time and grace to recalibrate to your new high vibration is key. Past traumas often create body aches, while headaches occur when the brain is rewiring or learning how to receive more energy through the crown. Headaches can also occur when the heart is softening and opening. It’s important not to resist the symptoms but to simply observe.
A few valuable after care rituals include drinking lots of water, taking a salt bath or foot soak, stretching, breathing or meditating. And as with any detox, supplements like charcoal or chlorophyll can support you through the process.
Final Thoughts
Although much of the Kundalini Activation Process still sits in the unknown for me it has been a truly magical experience. Honestly, I never thought my body would be capable of moving in such a way. Historically, I’ve been someone who’s had trouble tapping into my body, unable to loosen up on most occasions. With past sexual trauma (I Have a Sex Coach) and an extremely religious upbringing (Growing Up Mormon), I’ve been disconnected from my body for most of my life. The simple fact that my body moved freely and without judgement was all I needed and any further insights or downloads are simply a bonus.
Immediately after my session, I felt completely in my body. My mind and body were not separate but rather, one, and I was amazed my body was capable of being so open and free. In the days that followed, I continued to feel connected to my body, especially through music, and more open to movement. My breathing felt easier, smoother and deeper, somehow feeling like I could breathe better. However, I did experience a mild headache and some sensitivity to activated situations, along with mild body aches and fatigue which increased as the days passed. About a week out, the high vibration energy had mostly subsided leaving some restlessness.
All things considered, I can’t say enough about my wonderful experience with Kimberlie and am excited to return for another session after the dust settles. Interestingly, my friend explained that each KAP session is unlike the last, focusing on healing new areas of the mind and body, likely where you need it most.
Photo credit: Dana.darling